“Indexer mind” provides a great perspective for working on taxonomy expansion and keyword tagging enhancement projects for both traditional digital taxonomies and digital ontologies (like the yellow pages), as well as non-book collections of data, like images or sound files.
We’ve developed teams of experts to support the following clients on some very interesting digital information access projects:
Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations app—We provided keyword enhancement using human semantic judgment to make this award-winning app with its often metaphorical quotations more accessible than a full text search ever could have. Although we conducted the main project in 2012, we have been called upon to add more quality terms since.
Family Wealth Library—Dennis Passis, family wealth consultant and founder of the library, came to us in 2017 for help with document tagging for his new online resource for consultants and clients. We built him a taxonomy to use as a structure for the initial library creation and for expanding it into the future with a standard vocabulary to guide his progress. We also did the keyword tagging for his initial collection of resources.
Modern Art Index Project—We provided metadata tags for the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art’s online library.
Nationwide Insurance—We provide ongoing keyword metatagging support for this company’s collection of images.
Yp.ca (Canadian Yellow Pages)—We put a team together to provide consistent keyword enhancement to the database of business product and service types accessible through the company’s website.